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Setting Camera values


Attempts to claim RLVa camera control for this scripts containing object.


Only one object can hold this behavior at a given time following the same concept as @setenv where a single object can exclusively lock control. Debug output will show "locked" as the failure message on subsequent attempts.

When an object holds the lock, all camera commands from all other objects will be ignored; when the object releases the lock all other camera behaviors will be restored.


Changes the default camera offset in the same way as changing the CameraOffsetRearView debug setting (the debug setting is not changed).



Moves the camera and focus to the specified position (user can still change focus afterwards).


  • <agent>|<object>|<position> - UUID of the object OR agent to focus on OR a position vector (in region coordinates)
  • [<distance>] - Optional (calculated based on the object's size if omitted) distance of the camera to the focus
  • [<direction>] - Optional (calculated on current camera if omitted) normalized directional vector

Focus on an agent (get your own UUID) from 20m away with your previous camera orientation.


Focus on an object (rez a prim for this and grab its UUID), this will cause the camera to look at the plywood cube (filling the screen) along negative X.


Now resize the prim (20x20x20m) and retry the command. You'll note that the plywood cube still fills the screen. If you omit the distance RLVa will calculate it based on scale so the object is always fully in view.

Focus on an Location.Move the camera to <128, 128, 75> looking down at the land.



Changes the default camera focus offset in the same way as changing the FocusOffsetRearView debug setting (the debug setting is not changed).



Changes the camera's vertical field of view to the specified value (angle in radians).



Limit the user's fov angle to a maximum value (angle in radians). Setting @setcam_fovmin & @setcam_fovmax to the same value locks the value.


To set the minimum FOV to 90°



Limit the user's fov angle to a minimum value (angle in radians). Setting @setcam_fovmin & @setcam_fovmax to the same value locks the value.


To set the minimum FOV to 45°



Force the camera to remain focused on the user's avatar at all times, in effect, making them the fixed centre of the world. Formerly RLV command @camunlock.


Possibly change: currently still allows free camera movement when controlled through by LSL.

Camera Control Examples

Change 3rd person camera position & viewpoint

Basic camera position (as detailed in Penny Patton's A Matter of perspective can be done via the @setcam_eyeoffset and @setcam_focusoffset commands which affect the camera in the same way as the CameraOffsetRearView and FocusOffsetRearView debug settings.

If you're using these without @setcam then please restore the default manually after you're done; otherwise @setcam=y will take care of cleaning up and restore things back to the user's default.



Restore default 3rd person camera position & viewpoint

